Spay & Neuter Information
Did you know?
In the United States puppies and kittens are being born at a rate of 10,000 per hour, which amounts to 240,000 a day and 87,000,000 a year.
One unsterilized animal has the potential to set off a cycle of breeding that can indirectly generate thousands of litters:
The Prolific Dog* | The Prolific Cat* |
= 67,000 dogs *What one female dog & her offspring can produce in 6 yrs. |
= 420,000 cats * What one female cat & her offspring can produce in in 7 yrs. |
Spaying and neutering makes pets better, more affectionate companions,
less likely to bite or roam the neighborhood, run away, or get into fights.
Letting your pet have one-or even two-litters can cause big problems. Even if you find homes for all (or most) of the puppies or kittens, what about their puppies and kittens?
All animals adopted from the Humane Society are spayed/neutered at the time of adoption.
© 2023 Humane Society of Camden County, Inc.
950 South Grove Blvd / PO Box 1270, Kingsland, GA 31548 912-729-7141